Saturday, April 21, 2007

PR Campaigns Rules my World

I can sum up my whole week in one word: CAMPAIGNS. Our final pitch to The Home Depot Foundation is on Monday morning.

Although, we are making amazing progress, it's very time consuming. We've pretty much camped out in a lab all weekend long.

However, the good news is that it will all be over by Monday, just in time to continue on with a test, a report and two job interviews (both which involve travel). The end of the semester is going to be very crazy, but that's ok. It will all get done and it will be over soon.

It's a good thing I get along with my campaigns team or all this work would be completely miserable. We work so closely together for long periods of time and we still don't want to kill each other. Working on group projects are so much more enjoyable when you have a good team.

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