Saturday, February 3, 2007

The Job Search Rears its Ugly Head

The whole idea of job searching started to overwhelm me a little today, so I decided to do some online searching for tips, ideas, job postings and anything else that might be helpful. Lucky for me it didn't take long until I came across this amazing Web site, All About Public Relations. This site's title says it all. It has everything, including job postings, interview tips, general information on different types of PR and just about anything you could ever want to know about public relations. As my job searching progresses I plan to use this site frequently.

Cori McKeever, a PR practitioner at one of America's largest healthcare PR agencies, gives practical advice for upcoming graduates on the site. She mentioned one thing in particular that struck me as incredibly important and I realized that I need to work on this aspect the most. She said that PR professionals, especially at entry level, need to be confident but not cocky. While I would not consider myself cocky, I have trouble portraying myself as confident. Even at my internship last summer I had trouble expressing my opinions and as a result I missed out on valuable experiences.

So far my job search progress has mainly consisted of working on my resume (to make it the best that it can possibly be) and researching a few companies and PR agencies in places I would consider living. It's hard to juggle school, work and job searching. I'm sure it will become more and more time consuming as the semester goes on and I get closer to graduation, but it's just one of those things you have to do. Besides, if I'm planning on becoming a PR professional I need to get used to a busy lifestyle.

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